
Green Field Recordings | O Colecionador de Sons | World Listening Day (2010-2011)

The annual World Listening Day has excited a global community of people interested in sounds and field recording. Green Field Recordings is a netlabel in Portugal run by Luís Antero, who released a compilation of field recordings from around the world. These were broadcast on Antero’s “O Colecionador de Sons” radio show for World Listening Day in 2010 and 2011. O Colecionador de Sons is a Portuguese radio program devoted entirely to the world of field recording, curated by Antero.

cover imageGFR 033 VA | O Colecionador de Sons | World Listening Day (2010-2011) features 34 tracks by 17 field recordists from Australia, Portugal, Egypt, France, India, Lithuania, Spain, Germany, United States, and the Czech Republic. World Listening Project Director, Eric Leonardson wrote liner notes for the release, which is free to download under a Creative Commons license at http://greenfieldrecordings.yolasite.com/audio-2012.php