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    Listening to Floating Land

    Floating Land is a biennial arts festival hosted in the UNESCO recognised Noosa Biosphere Reserve in Queensland, Australia. Conceived in 2001 as an outdoor sculpture exhibition, the festival has expanded into a dynamic interdisciplinary event commissioning innovative collaborations and hosting local, national and international artists. The festival is now renowned as a key contributor to…

    Read more: Listening to Floating Land
  • Soundscape & Design Practice

    Soundscape is rarely considered during urban planning and design processes and consultations. When the sonic and acoustic qualities of urban space are considered, it tends to be in terms of noise, pollution or nuisance. The public and shared dimension of sound, particularly as a quality that promotes ambience or amenity or even imbues a sense…

    Read more: Soundscape & Design Practice
  • The Earth is Roaring

    In Hobart for a week last month – the week after fires raged across the island state, consuming tens of thousands of hectares of land. Forest, homes, businesses, agriculture. Firestorms were claiming the mainland too, feeding on the dry country. In Hobart, stories were exchanged as disaster response mounted and someone tells me that, on…

    Read more: The Earth is Roaring
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    Shh. Listen. World Listening Day

    A new article about World Listening Day by Linda Carroli has just posted on the website for ArtsHub. With a focus on Australian events and acoustic ecology, among the projects are those by artist Perdita Phillips and Brisbane-based sound artist Lawrence English. His Site Listening will be featured in this year’s Queensland Music Festival.

    Read more: Shh. Listen. World Listening Day