climate change

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    Sounds of a Changing Climate

    At a time when the world is experiencing unprecedented ecological threats, the Balance-Unbalance International Conference is a global initiative designed to harness the talents of innovators working at the forefront of the arts, science and technology to explore transdisciplinary approaches to sustainability. The 2013 Balance-Unbalance Conference recently took place from 31 May to 2 June…

    Read more: Sounds of a Changing Climate
  • The Earth is Roaring

    In Hobart for a week last month – the week after fires raged across the island state, consuming tens of thousands of hectares of land. Forest, homes, businesses, agriculture. Firestorms were claiming the mainland too, feeding on the dry country. In Hobart, stories were exchanged as disaster response mounted and someone tells me that, on…

    Read more: The Earth is Roaring