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2013 World Listening Day

You are invited to participate in the 2013 World Listening Day. World Listening Day has been happening annually on July 18, since 2010, and the fourth annual World Listening Day happens on Thursday, July 18. The purposes of World Listening Day are:

  • to celebrate the practice of listening as it relates to the world around us, environmental awareness, and acoustic ecology;
  • to raise awareness about issues related to the World Soundscape Project, World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, World Listening Project, and individual and group efforts to creatively explore phonography;
  • and to design and implement educational initiatives which explore these concepts and practices.

World Listening Day is co-organized by the World Listening Project (WLP) and the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE). July 18 was chosen as the date because it is the birthday of the Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer, who is celebrating his 80th birthday this year. Schafer is one of the founders of the Acoustic Ecology movement; the World Soundscape Project, which Schafer founded in 1971, is an important organization which has inspired a lot of activity in this field. The culmination of the World Soundscape Project’s pioneering research into the sound environment is described in his seminal book, The Tuning of the World. Published in 1977, it gained international attention and defined many new terms and concepts in sound and ecology popularly used to this day.

WLP and MSAE invite you to participate in the 2013 World Listening Day, which will happen on Thursday, July 18. Other WLD events will be happening during the week of July 14th-20th. Here are several possibilities. You can—

  • organize a soundwalk or a listening party when people play field recordings.
  • organize a performance event that involves field recordings and other artistic expressions that explore our soundscape and how we can listen to our sonic environment.
  • participate in a private / solitary way, by paying attention to your soundscape.
  • facilitate an educational event that relates to acoustic ecology, field recordings, or a similar topic.
  • Contact organizations that are participating in World Listening Day, to see if you can get involved that way.

The level of participation that happened during the first several World Listening Days was wonderful, and we look forward to the kind of participation we’ll be having this year. If you would like to participate in the 2013 World Listening Day, please email worldlistening@gmail.com, and be sure to include “World Listening Day” in the subject line.  You could also download the 2013 World Listening Day participation form here. Thanks!

Download Korean WLD participation form(한글버전 WLD 지원서), Korean WLD Invitation letter(한글버전 WLD 초대장).

87 responses to “2013 World Listening Day”

  1. Spencer Byles Avatar

    I’m up for getting involved.

    1. Eric Leonardson Avatar

      Dear Spencer, Thank you for your interest. Please contact us about how to get involved at https://www.worldlisteningproject.org/contact-us/

  2. Malaika Cunningham Avatar

    I graduate from my Politics and Philosophy degree in Sheffield that day and will be going to a reception with David Blunket… any messages? Will anything be happening in Sheffield?

    1. Max Dixon Avatar

      Suggest contact Prof Jian Kang at Sheffield University, j.kang@sheffield.ac.uk, if you have not already done so.

  3. Hugo Paquete Avatar

    I go send my proposal. Thanks.

  4. Hugo Paquete Avatar

    I go send my proposal. Thanks.
    Base in this project:
    (D.A.s) Death Amplitude Synchronization_Hugo Paquete_2013

  5. […] is co-organised by the World Listening Project (WLP) and the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology […]

  6. kathy kennedy Avatar

    July 18 will be the first full day of our Gaspé Songlines Retreat. We will definitely be doing a soundwalk in honour of this auspicious anniversary!

  7. kathy kennedy Avatar

    This will be the first full day of the Gaspé Songlines Retreat, a singing holiday. We will definitely take a soundwalk in honour of this auspicious occasion and let people know about the World Listening Project!
    Kathy Kennedy

  8. […] Il World Listening Day, si svolge già tre anni. Inoltre il prossimo 18 luglio, sarà l’ottantesimo compleanno di R. Murray Schafer, padre dell’ecologia acustica. […]

  9. Gilles Malatray Avatar


    Dans le cadre de la “Journée Mondiale de l’Écoute” ou “Word Listening Day”, mettons nos oreilles en commun ce jour là pour déambuler dans les sons.

    Un quartier de ville, d’une gare aux rives de Saône.
    Départ au pas à pas, au rythme de la marche, toutes oreilles aux aguets.
    Déambulation urbaine, auriculaire, Vaise Lyon 9e, Place de Paris, quais de Saône.
    Un guide promeneur écoutant donne le rythme, organise des points d’ouïe, emmène aux cœurs d’écoutes dont les sons sont bel et bien les héros.
    Ambiances, acoustiques, immersion paysagère, sensible, esthétique, flux et mouvements divers et variés, musique des lieux… Tendez l’oreille pour mieux vous entendre avec la ville !

    Pour en savoir plus :

  10. […] normally only post about my mosquito/medical entomology related activities but sinceWorld Listening Day 2013 is just around the corner, i thought I’d post about one of my hobbies, sound recording. Over the […]

  11. […] World Listening Day has been happening annually on July 18, since 2010. The fourth World Listening Day is coming up on Thursday, July 18, 2013. The purposes of World Listening Day are: […]

  12. […] The World Listening Day ou Dia Mundial da Escuta está de volta! É um projeto da organização sem fins lucrativos World Listening Project (WLP) que dedica-se à compreensão do mundo e seus aspectos ambientais, culturais e sociais através de práticas de escuta e gravações de paisagens sonoras. Apoiada pela American Society for Acustic Ecology, a WLP foi fundada em 2008 e convida você a participar na segunda feira, dia 18 de julho, do Dia Mundial da Escuta 2013. […]

  13. Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller Avatar

    18 de Julio Día Mundial de la Escucha
    “Momento para tomar mayor conciencia sobre la contaminación acústica y la salud auditiva y la estética sonora”

    La radio on-line de la universidad de San Martín de Porres es la primera institución en el Perú en celebrar este día.

    Este 18 de Julio http://www.radiodialnet.com celebrará el Día Mundial de la Escucha (World Listenning Day) con una programación especial que incluye entrevistas a especialistas de salud auditiva, músicos, investigadores y emisión de obras de autores trascendentales, como Stokchauses, Berlioz, Cage, Zappa, Henry, etc. La programación también incluirá la escucha de registros de paisajes sonoros de todo el mundo y principalmente de Perú.
    Los programas se emitirán en vivo desde las 09:00 hr (GTM -5:00) hasta las 14:00 hr, con repeticiones desde las 21:00 hasta las 02:00 del 19 de julio.
    El día Mundial de la Escucha se celebra desde el 2010 (http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/world-listening-day-2013/), es co-organizado por el Proyecto Mundial de escucha (WLP) y la Sociedad del Medio Oeste de Ecología Acústica (MSAE).
    El 18 de julio fue elegido, ya que es el cumpleaños del compositor canadiense R. Murray Schafer, uno de los fundadores del movimiento de la ecología acústica, el Proyecto Paisaje Sonoro Mundial, que Schafer fundada en 1971. La culminación de la investigación pionera del Proyecto Paisaje Sonoro Mundial, se describe en su libro seminal, la Afinación del Mundo, publicado en 1977, con el que ganó la atención internacional y define muchos de los nuevos términos y conceptos de sonido y ecología popularmente utilizados en la actualidad.
    Este día busca celebrar la práctica positiva de escuchar nuestro entorno, para generar conciencia ambiental, que permitan diseñar e implementar iniciativas educativas que exploran conceptos y prácticas relacionadas a la escucha, el sonido, la contaminación sonora, el ruido, la música, etc.
    http://www.radiodialnet.com al ser una radio on-line de la Escuela de Comunicaciones de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres en Lima, Perú, tiene como uno de sus objetivos propósito ser una alternativa en la programación juvenil principalmente universitaria incluyendo temas como los propuestos por el Proyecto del Paisaje Sonoro Mundial y el día Mundial de la Escucha, uniéndose a más de treinta países que han decidido atender estas temáticas globales.
    La programación de http://www.radiodialnet.com , se establece como parte del programa de estudios de la carrera de comunicaciones de la especialidad de radio, otorgando a los estudiantes un espacio de creación, producción, programación y emisión con el rigor de profesional de una emisora radial verdadera.
    La organización, producción y programación es coordinada por el Taller de Investigación en Radio ISONAR, un espacio que desde el año 2005 promueve la conciencia en la ecología acústica, realiza investigaciones de los entornos sonoros locales, desarrolla proyectos de de arte sonido y comunicación y registra los paisajes sonoros del Perú.

    Site: http://www.radiodialnet.com
    Taller Isonar: Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller.
    tallerisonar@limasonora.com investigacionsonora@gmail.com

  14. […] jueves 18 de julio, Radiodialnet.com celebrará el Día Mundial de la Escucha (WorldListenning Day) con una programación especial en la que presentaremos entrevistas a especialistas de salud […]

  15. […] usted invitado a participar en el World Listening Day que se celebra el día 18 de julio. Este evento se ha desarrollado en los últimos años  y tiene […]

  16. […] for more information and to find out how you can participate in world listening day 2013 please visit http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/world-listening-day-2013. […]

  17. […] my own contribution to World Listening Day (tomorrow, July 18 2013), and at the invitation of Jason Coburn at 8trk radio, I’ve put […]

  18. Paesaggio Sonoro Luigi Berardi Avatar

    In occasione del World Listening Day, Giornata Mondiale dell’Ascolto, co-organizzata dal World Listening Project e Midwest Society for Acoustic e condivisa dal Comune di Ravenna, Ravenna2019 e il Parco Delta del Po, Luigi Berardi artista “Land” che da oltre 20 anni è impegnato sul tema del paesaggio sonoro, ha creato un nuovo evento “in ascolto” nel paesaggio naturale del Parco Delta del Po.

    ”Una conchiglia per ascoltare la Terra” si chiama la macroscopica opera che verrà installata nella golena del fiume Reno in località Sant’Alberto in provincia di Ravenna.
    La scelta “geomantica” del luogo e la “conchiglia” metafora stessa d’ascolto, sarà la meta per i “pellegrini di questo tempo” a condividere con il mondo una giornata dedicata all’ecologia acustica e consapevolezza ambientale. Luigi Berardi condurrà per tutta la giornata Sound Walk alla “conchiglia”, per rendere “udibili” le parole di Murray Schafer (uno dei fondatori del “movimento” ecologia acustica, il progetto Soundscape mondiale che Schafer ha fondato nel 1971, di cui il 18 luglio 2013 ricorre l’ottantesimo compleanno)

    “… l’uomo affaticato potrà andare alla ricerca della purezza dell’ultima musica, quella dell’altro lato di questo mondo, il silenzio, al centro del quale è possibile sentire il suono delle grandi orbite della Musica delle Sfere”.(M. Schafer)

    1. Paesaggio Sonoro Luigi Berardi Avatar

      for more informations:
      PaesaggioSonoro http://luigiberardi.blogspot.it/

  19. […] 2013 World Listening Day | The World Listening Project. This entry was posted in Κύρια. Bookmark the permalink. ← Συνέδριο […]

  20. […] 2013 World Listening Day | The World Listening Project. This entry was posted in Κύρια. Bookmark the permalink. ← Συνέδριο […]

  21. […] 18 luglio si celebrerà il World Listening Day, un evento nato nel 2010 e giunto alla sua quarta edizione. Gli obiettivi di questa giornata […]

  22. […] 18 luglio si celebrerà il World Listening Day, un evento nato nel 2010 e giunto alla sua quarta edizione. Gli obiettivi di questa giornata […]

  23. […] È uscito questo bellissimo articolo di Marco Boscolo  su Wired Italia, che parla della mia performance sonora per il World Listenig Day 2013. […]

  24. Damir Avatar

    This year my participation is with shared audiomulch patch for live processing of listened sounds.



  25. Damir Avatar

    This year my participation is with shared audiomulch patch for live processing of listened sounds.



  26. […] World Listening Day is July 18 (which is tomorrow as I write this), and in commemoration of that, I’ve made some recordings from the subway system here in New York City. As I mentioned in a recent post I love the sounds of the subway trains and stations, and I wanted to get some of these sounds recorded so that they could be shared. So, if you’ve got about 42 minutes handy, you can listen to all eight of the recordings I’ve made, or just listen to them one at a time. […]

  27. […] World Listening Day is July 18 (which is tomorrow as I write this), and in commemoration of that, I’ve made some recordings from the subway system here in New York City. As I mentioned in a recent post I love the sounds of the subway trains and stations, and I wanted to get some of these sounds recorded so that they could be shared. So, if you’ve got about 42 minutes handy, you can listen to all eight of the recordings I’ve made, or just listen to them one at a time. […]

  28. Samara Kester Avatar

    The members of One Square Inch of Silence, located in the Olympic National Park, the state of Washington, join the World Listening Project in the appreciation of the sounds, and the very rare truly quiet places, of the Earth on this day. Please join us, as well, in listening for those still places, those increasingly rare places where the sounds of nature are still pristine and pure, unadulterated by manmade noise.

  29. Samara Kester Avatar

    The members of One Square Inch of Silence, located in the Olympic National Park, the state of Washington, join the World Listening Project in the appreciation of the sounds, and the very rare truly quiet places, of the Earth on this day. Please join us, as well, in listening for those still places, those increasingly rare places where the sounds of nature are still pristine and pure, unadulterated by manmade noise.

  30. […] 18 July, is World Listening Day 2013. The sound studies blog is hosting a forum on listening in honor of the occasion, which has […]

  31. […] 18 July, is World Listening Day 2013. The sound studies blog is hosting a forum on listening in honor of the occasion, which has […]

  32. Dawn Roh Avatar

    From the silence of the pre-dawn, a single bird began its song of celebration. Another bird joined in, and another and another, creating an extraordinary symphony. They sing with a passion you can feel in your bones. Joyous they survived the night predators, they celebrate the gift of one more day. With no garuntee they will see the sun set… they sing a song that circles the planet each day and remains unbroken for millennia. I thank the birds this special day for reminding me to live with gratitude for each and every sunrise I am blessed to see.

  33. Dawn Roh Avatar

    From the silence of the pre-dawn, a single bird began its song of celebration. Another bird joined in, and another and another, creating an extraordinary symphony. They sing with a passion you can feel in your bones. Joyous they survived the night predators, they celebrate the gift of one more day. With no garuntee they will see the sun set… they sing a song that circles the planet each day and remains unbroken for millennia. I thank the birds this special day for reminding me to live with gratitude for each and every sunrise I am blessed to see.

  34. Christof Zürn Avatar

    Great Initiative! Everyone can indeed listen!

  35. Christof Zürn Avatar

    Great Initiative! Everyone can indeed listen!

  36. […] the early hours of World Listening Day so I have BBC Radio 5Live on. They’re working out the speed of thought. I gently swerve to […]

  37. […] the early hours of World Listening Day so I have BBC Radio 5Live on. They’re working out the speed of thought. I gently swerve to […]

  38. […] miss World Listening Day 2013! It’s happening now, can you hear […]

  39. […] miss World Listening Day 2013! It’s happening now, can you hear […]

  40. Ron Mader Avatar

    Absolutely love this day! I’ve been aware of World Listening Day for three years now as it articulated a long-held love of the world we hear when we focus and listen.

    I’ve never been so organized as to organize a shared soundwalk on this day in particular, but it’s on my list of things to do! Meanwhile, I am aware of soundwalks and soundscapes and that is thanks to taking seriously the ideas you’ve articulated so well.

    That we can tweet with the hashtag #worldlisteningday I’m hoping awakens a whole new group of soon-to-be listeners. Thank you so much!

  41. Ron Mader Avatar

    Absolutely love this day! I’ve been aware of World Listening Day for three years now as it articulated a long-held love of the world we hear when we focus and listen.

    I’ve never been so organized as to organize a shared soundwalk on this day in particular, but it’s on my list of things to do! Meanwhile, I am aware of soundwalks and soundscapes and that is thanks to taking seriously the ideas you’ve articulated so well.

    That we can tweet with the hashtag #worldlisteningday I’m hoping awakens a whole new group of soon-to-be listeners. Thank you so much!

  42. […] World Listening Day is held on his birthday to celebrate Schafer’s contribution to the art of listeing to the world, rather than just hearing it. I’ve usually aimed to try and isolate sounds, other than in the lo-fi urban environment where you just can’t do that. However, in tribute to R. Murray Schafer’s ideas, I had a go, starting off with the birds at dawn. It’s a bit past the time for the classic dawn chorus, but these birds in a semi-rural location in Rushmere made a decent attempt at a soundscape for me. […]

  43. […] World Listening Day is held on his birthday to celebrate Schafer’s contribution to the art of listeing to the world, rather than just hearing it. I’ve usually aimed to try and isolate sounds, other than in the lo-fi urban environment where you just can’t do that. However, in tribute to R. Murray Schafer’s ideas, I had a go, starting off with the birds at dawn. It’s a bit past the time for the classic dawn chorus, but these birds in a semi-rural location in Rushmere made a decent attempt at a soundscape for me. […]

  44. […] that is not what compelled me to Blog about World Listening Day. What compelled me was 1 word. Soundscape. I thought how divine a word and as I listened to the […]

  45. […] that is not what compelled me to Blog about World Listening Day. What compelled me was 1 word. Soundscape. I thought how divine a word and as I listened to the […]

  46. […] If you want to know more about World Listening Day, they have their very own website and it’s right here. […]

  47. […] If you want to know more about World Listening Day, they have their very own website and it’s right here. […]

  48. […] giorno del suo compleanno, il 18 luglio (e quest’anno sono 80), con un’iniziativa globale, il World Listening Day. Vi contribuiscono artisti sonori, musicisti e compositori con performance, passeggiate sonore, […]

  49. […] giorno del suo compleanno, il 18 luglio (e quest’anno sono 80), con un’iniziativa globale, il World Listening Day. Vi contribuiscono artisti sonori, musicisti e compositori con performance, passeggiate sonore, […]

  50. […] To find out more about World Listening Day and the World Listening Project head over to http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/world-listening-day-2013/ […]

  51. […] To find out more about World Listening Day and the World Listening Project head over to http://www.worldlisteningproject.org/world-listening-day-2013/ […]

  52. […] THURSDAY 18th JULY, was World Listening Day 2013. Organised by the World Listening Project in partnership with the Midwest Society for Acoustic […]

  53. […] THURSDAY 18th JULY, was World Listening Day 2013. Organised by the World Listening Project in partnership with the Midwest Society for Acoustic […]

  54. Oskar Avatar

    Este día busca celebrar la práctica positiva de escuchar nuestro entorno, para generar conciencia ambiental, que permitan diseñar e implementar iniciativas educativas que exploran conceptos y prácticas relacionadas a la escucha, el sonido, la contaminación sonora, el ruido, la música, etc.

  55. Oskar Avatar

    Este día busca celebrar la práctica positiva de escuchar nuestro entorno, para generar conciencia ambiental, que permitan diseñar e implementar iniciativas educativas que exploran conceptos y prácticas relacionadas a la escucha, el sonido, la contaminación sonora, el ruido, la música, etc.

  56. […] the 18th July, was World Listening Day. According to the The World Listening Project, the purposes of World Listening Day […]

  57. […] the 18th July, was World Listening Day. According to the The World Listening Project, the purposes of World Listening Day […]

  58. Minako Tanahashi Tokuyama Avatar

    Wie Schoen, is I attend this wonderful project!!!

  59. Minako Tanahashi Tokuyama Avatar

    Wie Schoen, is I attend this wonderful project!!!

  60. […] 18th JULY, was World Listening Day 2013. Organised by the World Listening Project in partnership with the Midwest Society for […]

  61. […] 18th JULY, was World Listening Day 2013. Organised by the World Listening Project in partnership with the Midwest Society for […]

  62. […] questi strani suoni a parole: la cosa migliore è vedere il video che Antonio ha realizzato per il World Listening Day 2013, un’iniziativa di un’organizzazione che cerca di promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza […]

  63. […] questi strani suoni a parole: la cosa migliore è vedere il video che Antonio ha realizzato per il World Listening Day 2013, un’iniziativa di un’organizzazione che cerca di promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza […]

  64. […] World Listening Day!  To help mark the day I am beginning a new blog series reporting on my post-doctoral research […]

  65. […] World Listening Day!  To help mark the day I am beginning a new blog series reporting on my post-doctoral research […]

  66. […] Mais informações e ideias sobre como celebrar este dia em World Listening Project. […]

  67. […] Mais informações e ideias sobre como celebrar este dia em World Listening Project. […]

  68. […] día 18 de julio, se celebra el World Listening Day, la cuarta edición de un proyecto organizado por World Listening Project (WLP) y la Midwest […]

  69. […] día 18 de julio, se celebra el World Listening Day, la cuarta edición de un proyecto organizado por World Listening Project (WLP) y la Midwest […]

  70. Linda Weintraub Avatar

    Not all noise provides an occasion to celebrate.

    “RACKET! Art in Pursuit of Peace and Quiet” is a forthcoming exhibition and book that explores excessive sound, a rampant form of environmental pollution. Artists are invited to address its symptoms or propose its remediation. Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, disrupt sleep, interfere with communication; factor into cardiac, respiratory, neurological, and other physiological maladies; produce stress, high blood pressure, anger, and frustration; lower resistance to disease and infection; cause circulatory problems, ulcers, asthma, colitis, headaches, and gastrointestinal disorders; interfere with children’s language development and learning ability. In addition, excessive noise harms livestock, pets, and animals in the wild. Vibrations induced by sound waves can also damage property. Information about submitting a work of art that either comments on or mitigates noise pollution:

  71. Linda Weintraub Avatar

    Not all noise provides an occasion to celebrate.

    “RACKET! Art in Pursuit of Peace and Quiet” is a forthcoming exhibition and book that explores excessive sound, a rampant form of environmental pollution. Artists are invited to address its symptoms or propose its remediation. Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, disrupt sleep, interfere with communication; factor into cardiac, respiratory, neurological, and other physiological maladies; produce stress, high blood pressure, anger, and frustration; lower resistance to disease and infection; cause circulatory problems, ulcers, asthma, colitis, headaches, and gastrointestinal disorders; interfere with children’s language development and learning ability. In addition, excessive noise harms livestock, pets, and animals in the wild. Vibrations induced by sound waves can also damage property. Information about submitting a work of art that either comments on or mitigates noise pollution:

  72. […] part of World Listening Day, celebrated around the world on July 18th, birthday of R. Murray Schafer, the founder of the […]

  73. […] part of World Listening Day, celebrated around the world on July 18th, birthday of R. Murray Schafer, the founder of the […]

  74. […] Headlines https://pitchfork.com/features/resonant-frequency/listening-for-silence-with-the-headphones-off https://qz.com/1323215/apples-airpods-and-live-listen-are-a-revolution-for-the-hearing-impaired/ http://sonicfield.org/2017/08/a-thing-heard-four-ways-of-listening – @sonic_field how-to-be-a-good-listener-the-experts-guide the-sound-of-fear/7913512 mapping-europe2019s-quiet-areas loudest-sound-in-the-world-would-kill-you-on-the-spot unprecedented-100-million-seti-effort-breakthrough-listen biosphere-soundscapes-mexico-launching-in-2015 first-dont-succeed-sit-back-listen – @PLOSONE Short History – @thebanffcentre call-for-recordings-world-listening-day-2014 – @sonicterrain http://wanderingjustin.com/2014/02/sound-tourism – @wandering_j https://medium.com/message/sound-and-memory-168ea6b72c7b The trees have ears to eavesdrop in Yosemite – Washington Post 2013 World Listening Day […]

  75. […] World Listening Day is held on his birthday to celebrate Schafer’s contribution to the art of listeing to the world, rather than just hearing it. I’ve usually aimed to try and isolate sounds, other than in the lo-fi urban environment where you just can’t do that. However, in tribute to R. Murray Schafer’s ideas, I had a go, starting off with the birds at dawn. It’s a bit past the time for the classic dawn chorus, but these birds in a semi-rural location in Rushmere made a decent attempt at a soundscape for me. […]