
World Listening Project Announces New Web Feature

The World Listening Project is pleased to announce a new guest blogger initiative. In the upcoming months guest bloggers will be writing about changing soundscapes, new listening practices, new recording techniques, reflections on recent events, interdisciplinary connections to acoustic ecology, and other topics that resonate with WLP’s mission. Blog authors will include Susanna Caprara, Linda Carroli, Björn Eriksson, Joel Chadabe, Simon Hampson, Aimilia Karapostoli, Joseph Young, Andrea Polli, Jamie Davis, Brandon Mechtley, Abigail Anderson, Leah Barclay, Viv Corringham, Jerome Joy, Pietro Bonanno, Jez Riley French, Maile Colbert, Emeka Ogboh, Andrea Williams, Steev Hise, Mara Maracinescu, Renata Roman, Guillaume Chappez, Steven Miller, Perdita Phillips, Aaron Ximm, Martha Riva Palacio, with more authors to be announced in the coming months.

We look forward to hearing and reading new perspectives that help us to better understand how important sound is in our world. Check for updates at www.worldlisteningproject.org!

Have an idea for an blog post?

Comment or contact us at worldlistening@gmail.com.

  1. […] Work on Long Time, No See? is also continuing with the production team developing a highly interative website and app, with workshops and a possible launch due to be announced in the near future. Community workshops are also in preparation for the Southbank Tunnels public art project. The World Listening Project has also invited Linda to be a guest blogger in February. […]

  2. […] Work on Long Time, No See? is also continuing with the production team developing a highly interative website and app, with workshops and a possible launch due to be announced in the near future. Community workshops are also in preparation for the Southbank Tunnels public art project. The World Listening Project has also invited Linda to be a guest blogger in February. […]

  3. Abigail Anderson Avatar

    Very excited to be on board. You’re welcome to preview my work here: OpenPhenology.org. And if you’re based in Minnesota, I hope you’ll join me for World Listening Day 2013 on July 18 at the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.

  4. Abigail Anderson Avatar

    Very excited to be on board. You’re welcome to preview my work here: OpenPhenology.org. And if you’re based in Minnesota, I hope you’ll join me for World Listening Day 2013 on July 18 at the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.