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Acoustic Mirror of the World

setting up the "AMW" at the LBP
setting up the "AMW" at the LBP


The “Acoustic Mirror of the World” is a sculpture/installation that provides a tactile experience of sound. It was recently located to the Little Black Pearl Art & Design Center in Chicago, a wonderful new location following its four-month run in the “Synesthetic Plan of Chicago.”

The World Listening Project (WLP) invites you to submit your field recordings and make the “Acoustic Mirror of the World into a point of access to soundscape recordings from around the world. This sculpture/installation built for the tactile experience* of sounds was recently moved to the Little Black Pearl Art & Design Center in Chicago, a wonderful new location following its four-month run in the “Synesthetic Plan of Chicago,” an exhibition at the Chicago Cultural Center marking the 100-year anniversary of Daniel Burnham’s 1909 “Plan of Chicago.”

Please download and read the following submission guidelines provided below. [*In a nutshell, because the “Acoustic Mirror of the World” is activated by a stereo pair of two low-frequency drivers, the recordings that work best are those possessing significant amounts of low-frequency energy. Hence, the “tactile sensation” described in the following guidelines.]

Pictures of the “Acoustic Mirror of the World” are posted on this Flickr set.

If you are in Chicago, please visit the Little Black Pearl Art & Design Center at 1060 E. 47th Street (at the corner of Greenwood). Hours are posted on their website. Classes and public presentations relating to field recording and acoustic ecology are now being planned to happen here in the future. Please contact Eric Leonardson, e-mail <info@mwsae.org>, with your proposals and ideas.

  1. […] To make the installation “mirror” the world, neighborhood residents and members of the global field recording and acoustic ecology community are all invited to submit sounds. Instruction and guidelines are provided on the World Listening Project’s website. Please visit the World Listening Project website to learn more about this ongoing project. […]

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