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Call for Papers on Soundscape in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) is seeking papers for a “Special Issue on Soundscape
and its Applications.”

Deadline: January 15, 2012

[Quoted from the call]

The general topic of soundscape is recognized as one that has consistently generated new and innovative ways of thinking about noise control and if [sic] the interaction between sound and people. It has a significant practical relevance, in terms of policies, as well as in the planning and design of new living areas or in reshaping existing areas.

Topics of interest include whatever is involved in the developments of soundscapes:

·          Economics

·          Noise-policy standards

·          Combined effects

·          Cross-cultural studies

·          Perceptual and physical parameters (such as the characteristics of sounds and survey site selection)

·          Multi-sectoral environmental health impact assessment

·          Development of environmental zoning

·          Citizen involvement

·          Preservation of quiet areas

Papers are encouraged that address “sensitive areas” and which offer new insights into the existing annoyance data and new integrative research strategies for the design of “supportive environments.”

Please download the PDF for instructions on How to Submit Papers, Deadlines and Relevant Dates, publication guidelines, and Contact for the Guest Editors, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp and Jian Kang. [NB: the JASA submission link in this document for the Peer X-Press site http://asa.aip.org/jasa.html currently redirects to the ASA main page.] Download the Call for Papers (PDF) from http://scitation.aip.org/journals/doc/ASALIB-home/corp/pdf/jasa/sca.pdf


  1. Eric Leonardson Avatar

    The challenge and opportunity

    As the concept of “soundscape” gains currency in our increasingly sound-conscious culture, it attracts the attention of professionals in a diverse range of disciplines, under continual pressure to harvest ideas from lesser-known fields. This call presents an opportunity for the voice of acoustic ecology to express its interdisciplinary and holistic approach toward the exploration, study, and design of soundscapes.

    Historically, the term was invented by R. Murray Schafer and employed by the World Soundscape Project in the late-1960s. As a member of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology and its US affiliate, I believe there can be a real growth of exciting breakthroughs in the fields of health, cognition, and humanities as engineers, artists, scientists, and others explore the subjective and objective aspects of the soundscape. I encourage you to submit a paper.

    Eric Leonardson
    Executive Director, World Listening Project
    President, American Society for Acoustic Ecology

  2. Eric Leonardson Avatar

    The challenge and opportunity

    As the concept of “soundscape” gains currency in our increasingly sound-conscious culture, it attracts the attention of professionals in a diverse range of disciplines, under continual pressure to harvest ideas from lesser-known fields. This call presents an opportunity for the voice of acoustic ecology to express its interdisciplinary and holistic approach toward the exploration, study, and design of soundscapes.

    Historically, the term was invented by R. Murray Schafer and employed by the World Soundscape Project in the late-1960s. As a member of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology and its US affiliate, I believe there can be a real growth of exciting breakthroughs in the fields of health, cognition, and humanities as engineers, artists, scientists, and others explore the subjective and objective aspects of the soundscape. I encourage you to submit a paper.

    Eric Leonardson
    Executive Director, World Listening Project
    President, American Society for Acoustic Ecology

  3. Joe Peters Avatar

    I would like to participate in any way in the World Listening Day. There is much going on in your various projects. I have for the last 20 years been working on and East-West music course where I hope my students will apply musicology to the study of soundscapes in musical systems. I do sonic emissions testing (samples from radio, TV, recordings and performances, around the world, and my data shows that only the Western tertian system will survive into the future. I hope we can spend some time listening to my version of Schafer’s Sonic Environment. I am grateful for all the work he and all the others have put into their various projects and I will link all of you in to a new course in arts and culture that will open in Singapore in August.
    My good wishes

    Joe Peters