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World Listening Day 2021 24-Hour Stream

Welcome to World Listening Day – a 24 hour broadcast produced by The World Listening Project in association with WGXC Wave Farm, NAISA Radio, and World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.

The schedule below includes names of contributing artists and links to their websites. Many thanks to all who have sent us their sounds and videos.

World Listening Day – a 24 hour broadcast is a community reflection and celebration of sound, creativity and listening on July 18, a date chosen to honor one of the early leaders in acoustic ecology, music and sound studies, Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer. Among the self-organized and initiated personal celebrations, and local live and public events taking place around the world, the World Listening Project has curated a 24-hour online audio and video broadcast from contributions received in response to its open call, reflecting this year’s theme, “The Unquiet Earth.” 

ABOUT WORLD LISTENING DAY 2021: Each year a theme is created by someone with a deep connection to the act of listening. Lisbon-based filmmaker, curator and researcher, Raquel Castro, created the theme for 2021. “The Unquiet Earth” is an invitation to reflect on and engage with the constant murmur of the Earth, sounds beyond the threshold of human hearing, to remind ourselves that we share this mysterious and awesome planet. Castro shares that, “Small, hidden, subterranean, aerial, underwater, infra and ultrasonic sounds, inaudible to the naked ear, can bring a new, potentially hopeful, perspective on the future of the planet and humanity. Listening as activism encourages us to question our attitudes as listeners as we aim to construct a more inclusive and empathetic new world. Join the unquiet revolution!”

Wavefarm Streaming


Streaming Schedule

UTC Saturday July 17, 2021

 23:54:00  “Wild Energy” by Annea Lockwood  https://www.annealockwood.com/ 

UTC Sunday July 18, 2021

 00:00:00  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Welcome

 00:02:11  “SOA”, Directed by Raquel Castro (2020)*

 01:13:46  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

01:14:57  “glimpses from quarantine”, Paolo Ielasi https://paoloielasi.bandcamp.com

01:29:29  “Rain Collage”, Ai Yamazaki https://aiyamazaki.webs.com

01:41:17  “(For) A Morning Blues”, Alessio Premoli https://chelidonframe.site/

01:51:39  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

01:51:58  “The Absent Listener”, Darren Copeland https://www.darrencopeland.net/

02:27:30  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

02:28:28  “Distorted Daydream”, Fiona Patten https://far-ilo.com/

02:33:28  “Psithurism”, Fiona Patten https://far-ilo.com/

02:41:18  “Point of no return”, Claudia Ferretti, Cristian Filippini, Maurizio Rinaldi

02:59:41  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

03:01:26  “HYPNOS”, Domenico De Simone

03:08:27  “CrOsS-sEcTiOn”, Akari Komura https://akarikomura96.wixsite.com/akarikomuramusic

03:13:30  “COAGULATION”, Andre Perim http://www.andreperim.com/

03:21:10  “Wetland time-lapse”, Felipe Otondo https://soundlapse.net/

03:22:42  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

03:24:11  “La escucha encriptada”, Manel Pericó Mercè https://soundcloud.com/user-424322402

03:47:15  “Brood X Chorus, Herring Run Park, Baltimore, 2021_0523”, Alex Keller https://alexkeller.net/

03:57:28  “Ce monde et ailleurs (This world and elsewhere)”, Elsa Justel

04:07:55  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

04:08:55  “Earth song”, Julian Scordato https://www.julianscordato.com/

04:14:47  “Cacophony”, Johanna Nulty https://johannanulty.weebly.com/

04:18:16  “Muss Lagoon”, Jack Hyde https://www.jackhydesound.co.uk/

04:20:46  “Dancing in the Ether”, Mikel Kuehn http://mikelkuehn.com/

04:28:28  “Day 11: Three Pipe Percussionists 水管乐”, Southeast of Rain https://www.southeastofrain.com/

04:31:45  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

04:32:26  “O Quinto Condimento”, João Meirinhos and João C. Lopes https://vimeo.com/joaomrmeirinhos, https://jclopes.bandcamp.com/

04:37:46  “Duo Pandemic: A Sonic Grieving and Healing”, Jiayue Cecilia Wu, Karlton E. Hester, Yunxiang Gao

04:47:46  “aridflow”, Jason Bolte https://soundcloud.com/jl_bolte

04:54:21  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

04:55:42  “Radiosphere 2021”, Robin Parmar http://robinparmar.com/

05:16:03  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

05:17:07  “Ghostwalk #02 – Estépar”, Acoustic Mirror https://acousticmirror.tumblr.com

05:21:52  “AirWater III”, Lena Ortega https://www.leenalee.net/

05:32:21  “Quarantine in the UK”, Viv Corringham http://vivcorringham.org/

05:44:37  “Mutations 18/07/2021”, Cândida Borges http://transeuntismundi.com/

05:50:42  “Nocturnal Insights”, Nikki Sheth https://nikkisheth.myportfolio.com/

05:56:20  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

05:57:16  “Mechanical Velocities”, Absolute Value of Noise and Anna Friz http://absolutevalueofnoise.ca/, http://nicelittlestatic.com/

06:34:22  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

06:35:19  “LAND SEA SKY”, Tina Pearson (flute), George Tzanetakis (clarinets) https://lasammusic.wordpress.com/

07:07:10  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

07:08:16  “RETIRO ~ PARLAMENTO MULTIESPECIES”, Pablo Sanz https://pablosanz.info

07:43:42  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

07:45:15  “Stream #18 – the end of music”, Norbert Reinhold Stammberger and Hagai Izenberg https://fb.me/soundofficemunich

08:49:22  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

08:51:06  “Las plantas hablan en las horas más oscuras”, Martha Riva Palacio http://lasonidistaerrante.com

08:54:14  “Triangulations”, Alberto Rizzo http://albertorizzo.eu/

09:04:35  “We Are Nature”, João Meirinhos, Greta Santagata http://www.cinemadudesert.org/

09:09:35  “Sirens Dawn”, Cecilia Tyrrell https://ceciliatyrrell.com/

09:20:28  “Kippenheimweiler”, Raphaël Néron http://raphaelneron.com/

09:25:40  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

09:27:12  “Cicada Project X”, John Barber http://www.radionouspace.net/

09:32:12  “Hidden Materia Salon Bruit_Berlin (2014)”, Brane Zorman http://www.branezorman.si/

09:53:59  “Unquiet Earth Audio Postcard”, Eve Payor https://atlanticcenterforthearts.org/

09:58:19  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

10:00:55  “Glisten of Places”, Matthew Burtner http://matthewburtner.com/

10:24:36  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

10:25:47  “East Pier”, Elizabeth Chitty

10:28:47  “Border Being #01”, Ingeborg Entrop http://www.ingeborgentrop.nl/

10:36:21  “Monsanto Breathing”, Cláudio Pina https://claudiodepina.weebly.com/

10:44:00  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

10:45:28  “Meerstalblok”, Ingeborg Entrop http://www.ingeborgentrop.nl/

10:52:39  “under walden pond”, Jane Wang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Wang

10:54:19  “A Lament of Several ∞Failed Field Recordings of Silence∞”, Megan Michalak https://vimeo.com/meganmichalak

11:02:59  “Between”, SunJung Im

11:05:33  “MORMORIO”, Claudia Ferretti https://claudiaferretti.bandcamp.com/

11:08:16  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 11:09:53  “Duckweed Pond”, Nathan Wolek https://www.nathanwolek.com

 11:22:11  “Mosquito Lagoon”, Nathan Wolek

 11:32:44  “Greyhope Waves”, Nathan Wolek

 11:38:20  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 11:40:54  “Entophony (extract)”, Charlie Fox

 11:44:19  “Running water, singing house (2021)”, Iris Chun-Tzu Chang https://irischuntzuchang.com/

 11:46:14  “14407.4 – 7079.9 – 3575.5”, Jean-Baptiste Masson https://jbmasson.com/

 11:54:43  “Inter-species dialogue about an upcoming thunderstorm”, Adriana Sá http://adrianasa.planetaclix.pt

 11:58:44  “The Soundscape of the Anthropocene Ocean”, Jana Winderen https://www.janawinderen.com/

 12:05:26  “Blurred Window (Tourist)”, Pheobe riley Law http://www.pheoberileylaw.yolasite.com/

 12:15:37  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 12:16:40  “Pipistrelle”, Piet Schen

 12:31:38  “WLD Trio For Other Ears”, Zach Poff http://www.zachpoff.com

 12:46:07  “[cistern1c] sounds like the inside of a giant shell..”, Will Sōderberg http://uforika.net/

 13:01:08  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 13:02:26  “Chalk”, Jez riley French https://jezrileyfrench.co.uk/

 13:42:27  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 13:43:06  “R. MURRAY SCHAFER: A MEDITATION ON SILENCE”, Interview by Tim Wilson https://www.personamedia.com/

 14:01:28  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 14:02:26  “glimpses from quarantine”, Paolo Ielasi https://paoloielasi.bandcamp.com

 14:16:59  “Rain Collage”, Ai Yamazaki https://aiyamazaki.webs.com

 14:28:47  “(For) A Morning Blues”, Alessio Premoli https://chelidonframe.site/

 14:39:09  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 14:39:28  “The Absent Listener”, Darren Copeland https://www.darrencopeland.net/

 15:15:01  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 15:15:59  “Distorted Daydream”, Fiona Patten https://far-ilo.com/

 15:21:00  “Psithurism”, Fiona Patten https://far-ilo.com/

 15:28:50  “Point of no return”, Claudia Ferretti, Cristian Filippini, Maurizio Rinaldi https://claudiaferretti.bandcamp.com/

 15:47:13  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 15:48:58  “HYPNOS”, Domenico De Simone

 15:55:59  “CrOsS-sEcTiOn”, Akari Komura https://akarikomura96.wixsite.com/akarikomuramusic

 16:01:03  “COAGULATION”, Andre Perim http://www.andreperim.com/

 16:08:43  “Wetland time-lapse”, Felipe Otondo https://soundlapse.net/

 16:10:15  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 16:11:43  “La escucha encriptada”, Manel Pericó Mercè https://soundcloud.com/user-424322402

 16:34:48  “Brood X Chorus, Herring Run Park, Baltimore, 2021_0523”, Alex Keller https://alexkeller.net/

 16:45:01  “Ce monde et ailleurs (This world and elsewhere)”, Elsa Justel

 16:55:28  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 16:56:28  “Earth song”, Julian Scordato https://www.julianscordato.com/

 17:02:20  “Cacophony”, Johanna Nulty https://johannanulty.weebly.com/

 17:05:49  “Muss Lagoon”, Jack Hyde https://www.jackhydesound.co.uk/

 17:08:19  “Dancing in the Ether”, Mikel Kuehn http://mikelkuehn.com/

 17:16:01  “Day 11: Three Pipe Percussionists 水管乐”, Southeast of Rain https://www.southeastofrain.com/

 17:19:17  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 17:19:58  “O Quinto Condimento”, João Meirinhos and João C. Lopes https://vimeo.com/joaomrmeirinhos, https://jclopes.bandcamp.com/

 17:25:18  “Duo Pandemic: A Sonic Grieving and Healing”, Jiayue Cecilia Wu, Karlton E. Hester, Yunxiang Gao

 17:35:19  “aridflow”, Jason Bolte https://soundcloud.com/jl_bolte

 17:41:54  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 17:43:16  “Radiosphere 2021”, Robin Parmar http://robinparmar.com/

 18:03:37  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 18:04:41  “Ghostwalk #02 – Estépar”, Acoustic Mirror https://acousticmirror.tumblr.com

 18:09:27  “AirWater III”, Lena Ortega https://www.leenalee.net/

 18:19:56  “Quarantine in the UK”, Viv Corringham http://vivcorringham.org/

 18:32:13  “Mutations 18/07/2021”, Cândida Borges http://transeuntismundi.com/

 18:38:17  “Nocturnal Insights”, Nikki Sheth https://nikkisheth.myportfolio.com/

 18:43:55  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 18:44:42  “Listening to the Deep”, Jana Winderen https://www.janawinderen.com/

 19:13:34  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 19:14:32  “Mechanical Velocities”, Absolute Value of Noise and Anna Friz http://absolutevalueofnoise.ca/, http://nicelittlestatic.com/

 19:51:39  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 19:52:37  “LAND SEA SKY”, Tina Pearson (flute), George Tzanetakis (clarinets) https://lasammusic.wordpress.com/

 20:24:28  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 20:26:01  “Las plantas hablan en las horas más oscuras”, Martha Riva Palacio http://lasonidistaerrante.com

 20:29:08  “Triangulations”, Alberto Rizzo http://albertorizzo.eu/

 20:39:30  “We Are Nature”, João Meirinhos, Greta Santagata http://www.cinemadudesert.org/

 20:44:30  “Sirens Dawn”, Cecilia Tyrrell https://ceciliatyrrell.com/

 20:55:24  “Kippenheimweiler”, Raphaël Néron http://raphaelneron.com/

 21:00:36  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 21:02:09  “Cicada Project X”, John Barber http://www.radionouspace.net/

 21:07:09  “Hidden Materia Salon Bruit_Berlin (2014)”, Brane Zorman http://www.branezorman.si/

 21:28:55  “Unquiet Earth Audio Postcard”, Eve Payor https://atlanticcenterforthearts.org/

 21:33:15  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 21:35:51  “Glisten of Places”, Matthew Burtner http://matthewburtner.com/

 21:59:33  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 22:00:44  “East Pier”, Elizabeth Chitty

 22:03:44  “Border Being #01”, Ingeborg Entrop http://www.ingeborgentrop.nl/

 22:11:18  “Monsanto Breathing”, Cláudio Pina https://claudiodepina.weebly.com/

 22:18:58  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 22:20:27  “Meerstalblok”, Ingeborg Entrop http://www.ingeborgentrop.nl/

 22:27:38  “under walden pond”, Jane Wang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Wang

 22:29:19  “A Lament of Several ∞Failed Field Recordings of Silence∞”, Megan Michalak https://vimeo.com/meganmichalak

 22:37:58  “Between”, SunJung Im

 22:40:31  “MORMORIO”, Claudia Ferretti https://claudiaferretti.bandcamp.com/

 22:43:15  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 22:44:52  “Duckweed Pond”, Nathan Wolek https://www.nathanwolek.com

 22:57:10  “Mosquito Lagoon”, Nathan Wolek

 23:07:43  “Greyhope Waves”, Nathan Wolek

 23:13:20  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 23:15:53  “Entophony (extract)”, Charlie Fox

 23:19:16  “Running water, singing house (2021)”, Iris Chun-Tzu Chang https://irischuntzuchang.com/

 23:21:11  “14407.4 – 7079.9 – 3575.5”, Jean-Baptiste Masson https://jbmasson.com/

 23:29:39  “Inter-species dialogue about an upcoming thunderstorm”, Adriana Sá http://adrianasa.planetaclix.pt

 23:33:40  “The Soundscape of the Anthropocene Ocean”, Jana Winderen https://www.janawinderen.com/

 23:40:21  “Blurred Window (Tourist)”, Pheobe riley Law http://www.pheoberileylaw.yolasite.com/

 23:50:33  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 23:51:36  “Pipistrelle”, Piet Schen

 00:06:34  “WLD Trio For Other Ears”, Zach Poff http://www.zachpoff.com

 00:21:04  “[cistern1c] sounds like the inside of a giant shell..”, Will Sōderberg http://uforika.net/

 00:36:04  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Introductions

 00:37:32  “City on the river”, Georgious Amprino

 00:39:44  “Who plays with them?”, Lorena Gonzalez

 00:41:54  “Shuttling between human and nature”, Mert Dagcioglu

 00:44:25  “The comfort of rain”, Anil Nair

 00:46:57  “Backyard percussions”, Samira Jakobi

 00:48:28  “What do you hear? What do you miss?”, Ilayda Gören

 00:50:46  “Two sides of an international city (an enigma)”, Ikponmwosa Osamuyime Avan-Nomayo

 00:52:56  “Quotidian”, Peyvand Taheri

 00:55:16  “Coalescing into the Art Nouveau wonderland”, Memona Ghayas

 00:57:43  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Goodbyes

 00:59:25  “R. MURRAY SCHAFER: A MEDITATION ON SILENCE”, Interview by Tim Wilson https://www.personamedia.com/

 01:17:48  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, Goodbyes

 01:18:22  “Unquiet Earth collaborative improvisations”, Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra and https://www.glasgowimprovisersorchestra.comhttps://cratilar.wordpress.com

 01:30:07  “World Listening Day July 18, 2021”, fin

Production Credits

Coordinating Committee

Raquel Castro, Jez riley French, Grant Smith, Gurkan Mihci, Deirdre Harrison, Eve Payor, Gustavo Matamoros, Dan Godston, Amanda Gutierrez, Eric Leonardson, Fausto Rodriguez 

Technical Committee

Peter Courtemanche, Johann Diedrick, Eric Leonardson, Darren Copeland

2 responses to “World Listening Day 2021 24-Hour Stream”

  1. […] 24-hour #WLD2021 streamed program hosted by the World Listening Project. We invite you to submit audio and video works.* […]

  2. […] also honor the legacy of R. Murray Schafer (1933-2021), we are releasing the both parts of  the World Listening Project’s 24-hours live stream archive. Over 14 hours of sound and video, from more than a hundred contributors and participants in World […]